The committee for the 2018 IFIP TC-11 Kristian Beckman Award (Simone Fischer-Huebner (Swedish delegate to TC-11), Norbert Mayer (Representative of SEC 2018), and Steven Furnell (Chair TC-11)) conferred the 2018 award upon Dr Jan Camenisch, Head of Cryptography and Privacy at Dfinity, with the following motivation:
“Dr Jan Camenisch receives this award as an outstanding researcher and thought leader in the field of privacy, data protection, and cryptography. It recognises his pioneering theoretical work on privacy-enhancing cryptographic protocols and his leadership in their practical realization. He and his colleagues invented the award-winning Identity Mixer anonymous credential system, which serves as the basis for privacy-enhancing authentication. Jan has an extensive scientific track record, with a large number of high-impact publications and patents, as well as numerous contributions to conferences and other events, in capacities including chair and keynote speaker. Jan accepted the award, and delivered a keynote talk entitled ‘The Pros and Cons of Blockchain for Privacy’, at the award session during the IFIP SEC 2018 conference in Poznan, Poland in September 2018.”
Steven Furnell, TC-11 Chair